(Collage nach E.A. Poe) Thalia Theater Hamburg (Gastspiele in New York, Paris, Amsterdam etc.) Regie: Robert Wilson Musik: Lou Reed Musikal. Leitung: Stefan Rager Rolle: Lenore, Tripetta (Übernahme) G a s t s p i e l k r i t i k e n : "The evening's most successfully sustained narrative, inspired by Poe's "Hop Frog," shows Mr. Wilson's gift for playing amusingly with human scale, with a dwarf hero and heroine (Dirk Ossig and Claudia Renner) who might have been conceived by Velasquez. It also allows Ms. Renner to do a smashing interpretation of the evening's most vital song, "Who Am I". - Ben Brantley, New York Times - *** "some great highlights, however. The City in the Sea was phenomenal - 3 women (Lenore, Legeia, and Rowena), 2 men (the older and younger Poes). The visuals were striking as well - three tiers of waves, with the women riding them back and forth, near drowning as they sang, with the Poes stranded on the beach, with Death looming. But the best was The Raven, slightly rewritten by Reed. Fabulously performed by Christoph Bantzer, and a great song, Perfect Day, performed by Claudia Renner as Lenore. Then there was Hop Frog. Dirk Ossig and Claudia Renner played the scene on their knees, and still managed to steal the show. As good as Ossig was, the performance belonged to Claudia Renner. Renner's song, Who Am I, was not simply Lou Reed's best piece, her performance of it was incredible. This is a woman who I could see quite easily becoming a major star, either on stage, screen, or even as a singer. Definitely someone that I'm going to look out for. - J.R.Hughto, Kokoro - *** "Velázquez - A narrativa mais bem-sucedida da noite, inspirada em Hop Frog, de Poe, mostra o dom de Wilson para brincar de forma divertida com a escala humana, com um herói e uma heroína anões (Dirk Ossig e Claudia Renner) que poderiam muito bem terem sido concebidos por Velázquez. Isso permite a Renner interpretar de forma espetacular a canção mais vital da noite, Who Am I, embora não fique bem claro a relação dela com a história." "Realmente, o talento de Reed para a melodia cativante, hipnoticamente repetitiva, é evidente em todo o decorrer de POEtry. Os números destinam-se a estabelecer Poe como sujeito subversivo para o registro de nossa época." - Estadao - |